“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9
The beginning of the book of Joshua is sprinkled with the repetitive phrase “be strong and courageous”. I used to wonder if this was really needed. Was Joshua so weak that God had to keep reminding him to be strong? However, we do not find any indication of Joshua being so. Why then did God keep telling it?
The phrase “be strong and courageous” was not an isolated phrase. It was coupled with reminders of God’s promise, presence and protection. Joshua was not given a motivation speech on being courageous. Instead, he was reminded of his purpose. He had just taken over the leadership from Moses. The task ahead seemed ginormous. But it was not his battle to fight, it was God’s battle. His calling was to do the will of God and to fulfill His purpose. It was to this calling, “be strong and courageous” was assigned.
If we are walking in His calling and facing giants we cannot beat, know that it is God’s battle. Be strong and courageous, for we know who fights for us.
-Dr. Ann Jacob