Romans 16:8 GNT
“My dear friend in the fellowship of the Lord.

The Bible uses The word FELLOWSHIP in a very extensive and intimate need of The Body of Christ.
I feel so amazed then the usage of the word CHURCH the word FELLOWSHIP is more seen in The New Testament. Taking into account the Greek word koinōnia for FELLOWSHIP which means Partnership Participation Communion which is purely emerging into Godly character.

Taking the word in Hebrew châbar which means to join, to fascinate, together and the interesting part is The Scriptures and The Triune God is the only source to keep The FELLOWSHIP with a eternal purpose.

Jesus Christ wanted us to have The Holy Spirit as Close associate for us.
But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in CLOSE FELLOWSHIP with you].
John 16:7 AMP

FELLOWSHIP is JESUS abiding in us and being built together.
Ephesians 2:22 AMP
In Him [and in fellowship with one another] you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

The body of Christ should not neglect the
FELLOWSHIP cause the purpose in bringing together one another is to encourage built together where God takes His place.
“Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:25).

As a model see what the first century saints did they ate together, listened together which deepened there FELLOWSHIP and it helped strengthen in one ACCORD Prayers.
Acts 2:42 AMP
They were continually and faithfully devoting themselves to the instruction of the apostles, and to FELLOWSHIP, to eating meals together and to prayers.

FELLOWSHIP for The Body of Christ was sharing their belongings with one another as it felt the necessity of The body of Christ was sharing with no restrictions and no demand.
Acts 2:44 GNT
All the believers continued together in close FELLOWSHIP and shared their belongings with one another.

The result of this attitude generated a tremendous growth of The Body of Christ and saw souls being saved with ease and earning the goodwill of the people.
Acts 2:47 NLT
all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the LORD ADDED to their FELLOWSHIP those who were being saved.

FELLOWSHIP works partnership and participation for kingdom sake to fascinate the body of Christ with able mentors and stirring us with passion to move in Grace.
Galatians 2:9 AMP
And recognizing the grace [that God had] bestowed on me, James and Cephas (Peter) and John, who were reputed to be pillars [of the Jerusalem church], gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we could go to the Gentiles [with their blessing] and they to the circumcised (Jews).

FELLOWSHIP needs to care the most vulnerable ones who are tired with seeing contrary things happening in the body of Christ and fill themselves with a vacuum of emptiness and lost in the air. And react with emotions they feel like they are in no man’s land. Here the FELLOWSHIP plays a role to shelter and nourish there inner being which is health to the physical body and enlightenment to see through.
Romans 14:1 AMP
As for the one whose faith is weak, accept him [into your fellowship], but not for [the purpose of] quarreling over his opinions.

The FELLOWSHIP is established by GOD in joint FELLOWSHIP of CHRIST to be empowered and anointed by The HOLY SPIRIT in releasing Spiritual Gifts. We will be unshakable congregation.
2 Corinthians 1:21 AMP
Now it is God who establishes and confirms us [in joint fellowship] with you in Christ, and who has anointed us [empowering us with the gifts of the Spirit];

FELLOWSHIP ultimately should be focused to remain till Christ returns with full courage. The journey continues till will see JESUS face to face.
1 John 2:28 NLT
And now, dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame.

Just like the body of Christ in Sardis let’s be the ones who walk in FELLOWSHIP and counted worthy in the presence of The Lord.
Revelation 3:4 TPT
Yet there are still a few in Sardis who have remained pure, and they will walk in fellowship with me in brilliant light, for they are worthy.

For The Love of Christ
Pastor Suresh Abraham